It was beautiful...I forget the rest

There are only a few couples in my career that have had a private affection that was so palpable - these two made that list.

Soft kisses, holding one another's faces in their hands, tears, noses & foreheads touching as if to shut out any outside noise. The only word for it is abandon. They would kiss and I would watch through the viewfinder as they moved inward to a moment that only they lived in.

At this point in my career it's no longer about getting the shot lists or sticking to timelines - that part is truly automatic now. It's about these little gestures and moments that make your heart ache because they are so damn beautiful you know nothing else is really worth shooting.
These little pieces of love accumulate to outweigh all the ways that life can break your heart.

I don't remember the itinerary or the shot list - it was beautiful and I forget the rest.

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